There’s awesome fun to be had with electricity throughout the sunny season. It is an important time to teach your family how to keep your home safe this summer from electrical mishaps. With pools, spas
and iPads the possibilities of summer celebrations are endless. But there’s also the risk of
potential dangers for little ones – especially if your children don’t understand how electricity
We’re outdoors more during summer and we’re playing near water, so it’s normal for
electrical dangers to increase. According to the Better Health website, electrical incidents
injure or kill approximately 16 Australians every week – and 13 per cent of those are children
aged 0–14 years. Further, a whopping 77 per cent of childhood electrical injuries happen in
the home.
Infinity Energy Solutions will conduct a thorough scan of your abode is the first step in protecting your child from electrical shock.
Some things to incorporate (or double-check are still in place) are:
– Use childproof plugs in unused power points so little hands can’t prise items into the sockets.
– Switch off and unplug all electrical appliances when not in use.
– Don’t let kids to touch or play with electrical cords, and make sure electrical cords are not
dangling from benches or within reach.
– Use power boards with inbuilt safety switches when plugs are unavoidably within your
child’s reach.
If you suspect a problem – such as a blown fuse or faulty wiring – contact a qualified and
licensed electrical professional like our team at Infinity Electrical Solutions to come and check
it out. We can ease your mind and make your home safe for your family this summer.
Knowledge is power, so taking the time to teach your kids the basics can keep them protected
from shocks and burns, or worse. The team at Lumo Energy has written a list of clever tips to
keep kids safe around electricity – and illustrated these brilliantly with a picture outlining the
dangers in the home (see below). Chances are adults will be familiar with these, so we
welcome you to share them with your children. That way, they can ask you questions along
the way.
1. Never put an object into a power point (other than a power plug).
2. Don’t overload one power point or power board.
3. Use plug caps when you have small children in the house.
4. Pull from the plug, not the cord.
5. Never put metal objects in the toaster.
6. Don’t put objects containing metal in the microwave. Watch out for gold-lined cups and
plates as well as kitchen foil.
7. Never touch a worn, frayed or damaged electrical cord. If you find one, tell an adult
8. Never use electrical appliances if you’re wet, standing in water or near water.
9. Never put drinks on top of your video game console or other electrical devices.
10. Keep electrical wires and appliance cords away from heaters.
11. Always turn off a light at the switch before changing a globe.
12. Stay away from power lines. Never climb trees near power lines or touch power lines if
they fall.
13. Don’t use kites, balloons or remote-controlled drones or planes near power lines.
14. Never throw things onto power lines.
15. Stay away from transformers and electricity substations.
16. Never swim during a thunderstorm.
17. Never plug in an electrical appliance near a pool.